2015 JALT Toyohashi presentations

9th January: Richard Miller
Teacher Employment Issues

1st March: Gordon Rees
Using Drama to Motivate and Reinforce Learning in English Communication Courses
Drama Games and Techniques to Energize Student Performance

19th April: Atsushi Iida
Haiku in the Second Language Writing Classroom: Theory into Practice

17th May:
Our Annual Barbecue

21st June: Roger Palmer
Blended Learning and Suggestions for L2 Instruction
Using Video to Help Flip the Classroom.

12th July: Andy Boon
Here we are now, motivate us.
Inspire or perspire? Getting students speaking.

27th September: Sue Sullivan
The Student-Led Classroom

29th NovemberHà Phm Vit
Assessment for learning: two case studies in Vietnam

19th December:  Kazumi Kato
Video Materials and Methods for Teaching Group Discussion in English
plus Our Bonenkai

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