The final meeting of the year was on Sunday 14th December:

David Barker told us why he believes that English teaching in Japan must get "Back to Basics". As he introduced it:
"Since the advent of Communicative Language Teaching methodology, many highly effective language learning techniques and promising avenues of research have been abandoned on the grounds that they were not sufficiently ‘communicative’ or ‘authentic’. These include things that many successful language learners swear by, such as rote learning, memorization, substitution, drilling, grammar-translation, and error analysis. Despite this ‘progress’, there is no evidence whatsoever to suggest that Japanese students learn any more English now than their parents did – and many people believe that the opposite is true. In this presentation, I will introduce a new range of materials, which follow a ‘back-to-basics’ approach focused on what actually works for Japanese learners, and discuss the principles and research evidence on which they are based."

David challenges the audience members to improve some sentences.

The Captain takes a look at David's 'An A-Z of Common English Errors for Japanese Learners' (BTB Press).

After this presentation, we held our annual Bonenkai. Food, drink and jokes were enjoyed!

Find out about November's meeting
