
January - Central Square TALLINN, ESTONIA

February - Korankei Gorge ASUKE

May - Nagashino Festival NAGASHINO

June - 'Kakitsubata' near AUE

August - Takeshima GAMAGORI

October - Punting CAMBRIDGE

November - Autumn Colours AKAZAWA


March - Spring in Hirashiba Bairin Park TOYOTA

July - Sunflower Fields TOYOTA

September - Cosmos flowers AICHI BOKUJO

October - Nuclear Energy UNIVERSITY OF CHICAGO

November - Traditional England CANTERBURY

December - Autumn Colours HAKUSAN, ISHIKAWA


January - Expo countdown event TOYOTA

February - Chubu International Airport TOKONAME

March - Graduation Day at AUE

April - Cherry Blossoms at AUE

May - University Festival at AUE

June - Aichi International Expo NAGAKUTE AND SETO

August - Kuragaike Park TOYOTA

November - Autumn Colours TAGA SHRINE, SAGA

December - Goodbye to the Routemaster Bus LONDON


February - Art for art's sake 2 at AUE

April - Mikawa Line N OF TOYOTA

July - Nagoya Airport KOMAKI

August - Fireworks TOYOTA

October - Intelligent Transport Systems Exhibition NAGOYA

December - Autumn Colours at AUE

How about 2001-2003?