May 2010 meeting:

A morning meeting was held on
Sunday 16th May from 10.00 to 12.00pm

Presenter: Alexander Graham-Marr

This talk examined what elements in a communicative classroom can be taught and what elements can only be developed through enough exposure and practice and then at how these two groups of elements should be introduced/emphasized. It  then looked at how learning materials should perhaps be structured in order to take these emphases into account. 

Alastair Graham-Marr showed participants coursebooks developed by ABAX Publishing and then moved onto JALT's Nagoya Chapter for an afternoon session there.

We also had our annual barbecue in May.  It was held in Toyohashi's Takashi Ryokuchi Park on 30th May.

How about April's meeting?

Go to the JALT 2010 Website!