Next month is our annual May barbecue - details to follow!

JALT TOYOHASHI'S last meeting

was on Sunday 15th April from 1.30 to 4.00

Speaker: Bob Sanderson

Title: Exploring our Philosophies of Learning and Teaching
A teacher’s philosophy of learning and teaching are at the core of what he or she does or aims to do in the classroom.
Our philosophies evolve over time, and are so fundamental to what we are and do as teachers that they may be taken
for granted or go unnoticed unless periodically made explicit and reviewed. This interactive session explored and
shared philosophies of learning and teaching with the aim of participants becoming more aware of what they are doing in
their classrooms and why. Hopefully this will lead to greater confidence, success, and enjoyment of what we do as teachers.

Find out about our previous meeting

Next month is our annual May barbecue - details to follow!