留学  Study Abroad

年々、学生は各姉妹校提携大学やまた個別にその他の機関に おいて、
海外で学習する機会が増えてきています。これらはすべてと ても
有意義な体験であり、将来もさらにこのような機会を広げ継 続
していきたいと思っています。以下の写真は海外留学した学 生及び、

Year by year, our students have had more and more opportunities to study abroad.
Some study at sister universities which we have agreements with, while others
study independently at other locations.  They are all valuable experiences, and
we hope to continue to expand these opportunities in the future.  Here are students
(from our course and other courses) who have studied, or are planning to study, abroad:

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