2002 Graduation Reports sotsugyo ronbun

Changes in the Situations of Domestic Servants in English Country Houses between 1850 and 1950

Charles Dickens' 'Hard Times': a Reflection of Education and Industrialization in Britain in the Nineteenth Century

Church or Chapel: Christianity in Nineteenth Century England

Clans and Tartans: Their Relationship to Scottish Society

The Development of Pubs

The English Coffee House: The Starting Point of the Modern Age

The Evolution of British Soap Opera: The Development of Soap Operas and Their Relationship to Social Change

Footwear: Trends, Developments and Decline

Indian Popular Cinema and Society: A Cultural Study of the Film Industry and comparison with Hollywood

Life on London Bridge: London Bridge as an Inhabited Bridge

Mother Goose

The Oneida Community

The Role of the Projecting Window in Architects' Philosophy

The Spread of Tea and its Background in the 17th and 18th Centuries

The Tower of London as Prison

A Writer Depicting Mixed Feelings: Shakespeare - Jealousy and Malice in 'Othello'
