Our Latest Meeting was on 22nd April 2018.

Speaker: Cameron Smith (Aichi Gakuin University)
Title: Creativity in Japanese Education

For a very long time, policymakers in Japan have worried that the education system has failed
to support creativity. In recent years, the Japanese education ministry – in line with many countries
around the world – has promoted creativity as a key educational goal. But what does creativity mean?

The presentation was in three parts. The first offered a brief introduction to the study of creativity as viewed

from psychology, business and education. What is “creativity”? How is creativity encouraged?

Why is it important to education? Is creativity important to foreign language education?

The second part looked at how “creativity” is seen across cultures, and how it has been viewed over time

and in different places. In particular, it showed how the modern popular western view of creativity

has taken on a highly specific political form, and how it is a potential source of serious bias

when considering creativity in East Asia. The final part considered how the idea of creativity

has developed and become increasingly important in Japanese education policy from

the Meiji era until the present day. It considered current policy developments and

the potential these developments offer for language educators to promote

creativity in their teaching and in their institutions.

See information about our last meeting